Think you’re the only one paying those monthly credit card bills and feeling like you’re doing nothing but paying interest? Nope. Most people have been there at one time or another. But you can get out of it and there are a few things you can do this month to help you reduce that debt in time for Christmas:
- How many credit cards do you have? Is it possible to consolidate them all and transfer their balances onto one lower interest credit card? If not, let’s try something else.
- Stop using all credit cards until you can see daylight. Pay cash for as much as possible. If you must use a card for an emergency, use the one with the lowest interest rate.
- Pick the credit card you can pay off the quickest and get out from under it by paying it off in its entirety at the end of the month or paying more than the minimum on a regular basis. This will help you keep good credit with at least one of your credit card companies if you’re credit is suffering with the others.
- Keep good communication with all credit card companies and if you can’t pay the minimum, pay something!
- Stop renting videos, buying expensive coffee at Starbucks, and driving through for fast food. These things add up. Most people don’t realize how much money they actually spend on luxuries. One $17.00 Netflix subscription plus one $25.00 iTunes card would add $42.00 to a credit card minimum payment.